Friday, August 10, 2007

On Boredom And A Consistent Lack of Funds

This is precisely what happens when the statement above holds true for a prolonged basis. As one of my buds would quip, “at least it’s consistent”. So what do you do when you have nothing to do and no cash to burn? Go crazy baby. Or go get yourself strapped on a hospital bed in an institution basement with a thorazine drip on your wrist. Pretty nifty eh?

I chose the go crazy route, as I still have souls who depend on my sanity to get through the day. Yeah I know I’m ugly but this is for my benefit and not yours. Besides haven’t you grown tired of all the good-looking folks who flood the tarps in EDSA, who fill up the covers of magazines and dominate the boob tube? Now come to think of it, since everyone’s gone flat screen, does the term need to apply? How would you like your woman mate? Oi! I was asking you!!!

I went around and around on my final three liters and took a damned long walk. Which is beneficial considering my faulty ticker. Wore shades that exaggerated my flat nose and hid my eyes, which according to people who have no financial stake with me are the only decent part of my person. Someone told me that happiness is a state. I consulted the map and couldn’t find it. Anyway what’s to lose? I tried smiling under the cover of my glasses and true enough I was fooling myself into feeling better by the time the hour ended.

Quite content now. Why? I told someone to go f*ck off and slide his you know what in his you know where. So much for positive thoughts eh.


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