Saturday, September 09, 2006

screaming spots

harbors.beaches.cliffs.a lonely stretch of hardtop. anywhere isolated.

pebbles. and my heart.

i have prevented myself from going completely bonkers in the past through it. wherever life takes me, the first placethat i look for - a screaming spot. have a few of them scattered across the unfathomable miles. some i have not seen for years, but still a part of my soul, and a part of me.

i had to one to talk to, or no one that understands before, and that became the spillway which i still cling on to, up to the present, whenever there is something i cannot say. there i let it all out, mostly ending up panting and out of breath, on allfours, clutching the ground and blinded by my tears. i have gone there with someone only one time in these almost three decades of being in this planet, although there have been a couple of people who have thanked me for bringing it up, according to these souls, having their own screaming spot kept them from the edge as well on a number of occasions.

how does it work? the two main ingredients are in the first two lines of the entry. then find time, or rather make time. hookey. it would be good if you had a journal or the like. each stone represents whatever you want to say or get out of your system, and you hurl it with all your might as you scream your want, your intention, your hurt, your pain. it might and it will feel awkward at first, remember though that it is your time and your hurt. let it loose. let it go.and do not cheat yourself. oh by the way, cliffs might not be a good idea if it is your first time, i would not want you to jump off it if you get too intense.

so scream.and scream till there is nothing else. scream until you are empty.


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